stop behaving as a an inductor, making it though unsuitable
for measuring magnetic fields.
Finally, the sensitivity of the two loop antennas have been
computed and compared to the sensitivity of the antenna
used in [6] and to the expected amplitude of the magnetic
seismic precursors. As the minimum Magnetic Field that
can be captured with each loop is lower than those naturally
induced fields, it is then concluded that the coils are fit to be
used in the UBACyT project Study of Electromagnetic Dis-
turbances Produced by Seismic Movements, which is being
carried out by the Electromagnetic Radiation Laboratory, in
conjunction with other laboratories of this University. As the
300 turns coils has been showed to have lower sensitivity
than the one with 180 turns and as it provides a higher signal
amplification, the authors conclude that the larger loop is
preferable to the smaller one.
The authors would like to thank to the University of
Buenos Aires and to the UBACyT research grants.
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