Extracting individual solar cell data from
photovoltaic module electroluminescence images
and current-voltage curves
Extracción de datos de celdas solares individuales a partir de imágenes de
electroluminiscencia de módulos fotovoltaicos y curvas corriente-tensión
Alexia Suca de Azevedo, Matías Córdoba
, Kurt Taretto
Departamento de Electrotecnia (Facultad de Ingeniería) – Instituto PROBIEN, Universidad Nacional del Comahue-
Neuquén, Argentina
AbstractElectroluminescence (EL) imaging is explored as
a non-destructive method for quality assessment and
characterization of solar modules. Here, we demonstrate the
acquisition of dark I(V) characteristics for each individual cell
within a solar photovoltaic module from complete module EL
images. This enables a detailed diagnosis of module failure by
individualizing cell parameters, such as series resistance and
dark saturation current density. Such analyses become
increasingly important with module aging, enhancing the
possibilities for module or cell recycling. The method is checked
for consistency with module parameters extracted from the
measured module dark I(V) characteristics.
Keywords: electroluminescence imaging; series resistance;
photovoltaic module characterization.
Resumen— El ensayo de electroluminiscencia (EL) se explora
como un método no destructivo para la evaluación de la calidad
y la caracterización de módulos solares. Aquí, demostramos la
adquisición de la característica I(V) a oscuras para cada celda
individual dentro de un módulo solar fotovoltaico a partir de
imágenes de EL del módulo completo. Esto permite un
diagnóstico detallado de las posibles fallas que pueda presentar
el módulo al individualizar los parámetros de cada celda, como
la resistencia serie y la densidad de corriente de saturación.
Estos análisis son cada vez más importantes con el
envejecimiento del módulo, permitiendo predecir, por ejemplo,
las posibilidades de reciclaje de módulos o celdas. La
consistencia del método se contrasta con los parámetros del
módulo extraídos de la medición de la característica I(V) a
oscuras del módulo.
Palabras clave: ensayo de electroluminiscencia; resistencia
serie; caracterización de módulos fotovoltaicos.
Electroluminescence (EL) imaging, combined with dark
I(V) characterization, provides valuable insights into the
structural and electrical properties of photovoltaic modules.
Particularly, EL imaging enables defect detection and local
characterization by means of device parameter mapping [1]-
[3], supplementing global device parameters extracted from
the I(V) characteristics obtained under dark conditions.
In current research on EL imaging, a predominant focus
lies on methods meant for individual solar cells rather than
entire modules, requiring the evaluation of isolated cell data.
An approach that extends this analysis to modules is
presented by Potthoff et al. [4], in which the operating voltage
of individual cells are determined from entire module images.
This analysis allows for a detailed diagnosis of modules not
only at manufacturing but after aging during years of
operation, or to diagnose early module failure.
In this contribution, EL imaging and dark I(V)
characterization are conducted on a polycrystalline silicon
module for in-depth study by extracting individual solar cell
data from the module images. To study cells individually, this
procedure is applied at different injected module currents,
generating a dark I(V) curve for each cell.
Global series resistance values are then calculated from the
resulting cell dark I(V) curves and compared to total module
series resistance to assess the results, showing excellent
agreement. Therefore, this method is validated to obtain the
individual series resistance of a given solar cell in a module,
allowing for a detailed diagnosis of module aging or failure.
Complementarily, we apply a second method that yields
series resistance and dark saturation current density maps of
individual cells in a module, further expanding the
diagnostics capabilities of the technique.
EL is the emission of photons when a solar cell is subjected
to a forward bias in the absence of solar illumination, i.e. the
opposite of its normal operating condition of converting light
to electricity. The EL emission occurs by the mechanism of
radiative recombination taking place in the semiconductor
material of the cell.
In silicon solar cells, although Auger and defect-assisted
recombination are the predominant mechanisms for
recombination, the level of radiative recombination is still
sufficient to be detectable by an external sensor such as a
CCD camera, delivering images that contain valuable
Revista elektron, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-24 (2024)
ISSN 2525-0159
Recibido: 22/04/24; Aceptado: 29/05/24
eative Commons License - Attribution-NonCommercial-
NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Student Article
information about the spatial uniformity of the cells. A
typical setup for EL characterization is shown in Fig. 1,
where a power source provides the forward bias polarization
to the cell (or module), and the emitted photons are detected
by a camera.
Fig.1: Schematic drawing of the measurement setup for spatially resolved
EL theory states that the EL photon flux
locally at the coordinate r on the surface of a solar cell or
module depends on local voltage V(r) according to [5]
where V
is the thermal voltage, and C(r) is a calibration
factor that takes different values depending on the position r
and is related to optical and material properties of the module
and the camera system. In particular, local variations of C(r)
are dictated by the external quantum efficiency (EQE)
dependence on r, which comprise optical and recombination
losses, while V(r) accounts for resistive losses.
Therefore, Eq. (1) sets the foundation for identifying
regions of increased losses over the surface of the cells within
a module, which will appear as darker contrasts in the EL
images. An ideal cell would have a uniform, bright image
without any visible dark spots, cracks, or defects. Eq. 1 also
allows for calculating voltage drops within the module, by
capturing EL images at different operating conditions.
For this purpose, let us consider the model of independent
diodes for solar cells, in which a cell is taken as an array of
parallel equivalent circuits, as illustrated in Fig. Fig.2.
Fig. 2. Equivalent circuit of a solar cell under dark conditions, assumed as a
discretization of the solar cell’s continuum. This is defined as the
independent diode model for EL imaging, where V
is the voltage at the
solar cell contacts. See text for further details.
Each EL image pixel r is described by one such equivalent
circuit, and the parameters for each circuit are taken as local
parameters for the cell. In this context, overall lumped
parameters are referred to as global parameters.
This model allows for a better understanding of how the
cell characterizing parameters behave at the local level.
Every circuit at position r = (x, y) consists of a diode with a
local dark saturation current density j
(r) and a local series
resistance R
(r), which describes the resistance along the
current path from pixel r to the cell contacts.
To distinguish whether a dark contrast in an EL image is
caused by recombination effects or by resistive effects, we
apply the non-linear method presented in Section B [6].
A. Extracting Cell Operating Voltages
We assume a typical module, where cells are connected in
series, operated under forward bias during EL imaging. The
measured module voltage V
equals the sum of all operating
cell voltages plus the sum of the voltage drop across the
module resistances, which can be expressed according to
Here, I is the module current, which equals the cell’s
current for the series connected module. From this equation,
we see that this model splits R
(r) into two components;
(r) accounts for the resistance of the contact grid and the
contact resistance between the metal grid and the
semiconductor, while R
accounts for the resistance of the
interconnectors, the contact resistance between the
interconnector and the solar cell and the bulk resistance of the
semiconductor. The total series resistance of the module R
is calculated as a contribution of both R
and R
of each cell.
This is illustrated in Fig. 3, in which the independent diode
model for each cell is now accompanied by the
interconnector resistance R
Fig. 3. Module representation for EL imaging, highlighting series resistance
In order to proceed calculating individual cell operating
voltages V
from Eq. (1), we assume that the voltage drop
over R
(r) can be neglected at the point of highest EL
emission r
. This means that R
can be written as
being the number of solar cells in series. The same
value can be assumed for all cells considering the same
Revista elektron, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-24 (2024)
ISSN 2525-0159
resistance for all interconnectors and a homogeneously
distributed contact resistance, as assumed in Eq. (4).
Additionally, the optical and material properties at the point
with the highest EL emission are considered to be
comparable on different cells i. Then, the same optical
calibration factor C
) can be assumed for all cells in the
module, evaluated at the position of highest EL emission r
for each cell. With these assumptions, the module voltage can
be expressed as [4]
Now, notice that if the voltage drop R
I in Eq.(5) can be
neglected for currents below 10% of the module current at
forward bias equalling the magnitude of the short circuit
current I
, the calibration factor C can be calculated. Having
obtained this factor C(r
) for all cells, R
(and therefore
) can then be calculated from Eq. (5) for currents above
10% of I
Ultimately, the cell bias voltage is given by
This equation again holds for a negligible voltage drop
over R
). Therefore, this methodology allows for the
calculation of the operating voltages for each solar cell in the
module subjected to the conditions of EL testing, that is, dark
B. Calculating Cell Series Resistance Maps
Two EL images at different current-voltage points (one at
a higher voltage point V
and one at a lower voltage point V
are used to generate maps according to the iterative method
by Dost et al. [6], applied to an individual cell. Here, the local
series resistance R
(r) is given by [7]
whereas the local dark saturation current density j
(r) is
approximated by
In this method, C(r) is the calibration factor calculated for
each pixel of the EL image at the lower bias condition. C
is then taken as the highest value found for C(r). Here, the
saturation value C
calibrates the contrasts in R
(r) and j
maps, i.e., separating series resistance effects from
recombination effects. Note here that j
(r) is tied to variations
in C(r) and hence EQE, and it follows that j
maps reflect
local recombination effects.
The proportionality in Eq.(8) yields dimensionless maps
for R
(r) and j
(r). In order to obtain quantified values, a
scaling factor must be applied, f according to [6]
implying the transformations R
(r) f R
(r) and j
(r)/f where R
is the dimensionless mean value of the
unscaled R
(r) map.
In this method, an iterative approach is proposed to
improve the quality and speed of the measurements. The aim
is to avoid taking high exposure time images required at very
low bias levels, as in traditional EL imaging methods. Since
high exposure times are no longer necessary, the signal-to-
noise ratio is not compromised. This is achieved by taking
the image at a higher bias level V
, and correcting the lower
bias local voltage values V
) according to [6]
for iteration k. When the image is taken at a voltage level
slightly lower than the highest adopted bias level, an error is
introduced at the first iteration of the resulting series
resistance. Eq. (10) reduces this error with each iteration.
This enables a more precise calculation of the calibration
factor C(r), and therefore improved local voltage values to
determine R
(r) [6].
The diagram in Fig. 4 depicts the step-by-step process of
this method. As the convergence criteria, we first calculate
for every pixel the relative error between iterations, |R
- R
(r)| / |R
(r)|. The maximum error for a given pixel
should not be higher than 0.01%.
Fig. 4. Diagram representation of the iterative method by Dost et al.
C. Definitions of Series Resistances
Table I summarizes the different definitions of resistances
considered in this work. Establishing cell bias voltages at
different current levels according to Eq.(6) serves a dual
purpose: first, it facilitates the creation of dark I(V) curves
for each cell, and second, it enables the generation of series
Revista elektron, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-24 (2024)
ISSN 2525-0159
resistance and dark saturation current density maps. Each cell
series resistances R
is calculated from the corresponding
I(V) curve, using curve fitting methods assuming a one-diode
The sum of all R
is then contrasted to the module series
resistance R
determined from the module dark I(V) curve.
Note that the calculation of this module resistance value
differs from R
obtained from Potthoff et al.'s method [4].
Local series resistance value for a given cell, at
coordinate r over the cell’s plane.
Global series resistance value for a given cell.
Subcomponent of R
(r), local value dependent on
position r.
External series resistance to each cell, subcomponent
of R
Global value for a module, calculated from Potthoff
et al.'s method [4].
Global value for a module, determined from its dark
I(V) curve.
Dimensionless mean value of the unscaled R
Imaging is achieved with a silicon charged coupled device
(CCD) sensor. The camera model is the ST-7 Dual SBIG,
including the Kodak KAF 0400 sensor with a resolution of
765x510 pixels. Noise occurs randomly in the images and
could be originated either from incoming photons from the
environment, or from the CCD system and the reading
process. Dark currents due to the rise of temperature in the
sensor increase linearly with time. This effect is reduced by
the camera cooling system, which keeps the material at 262
K during testing.
In this work, measurements are conducted on a
polycrystalline silicon module, comprised of 18 cells, each
with an area of 42.94 cm
. Fig. 5 shows the module and its
EL image at 3 A injected current. The nameplate short-circuit
current of the module is I
= 1.14 A. The image covers an
area of 0.311 mm
per pixel.
The module is biased with a forward direct current while
placed in a dark environment. The current is set and fed to
the module with the OWON ODP6062 programmable DC
power supply. The module is kept at a room temperature of
293 K during testing. Current and voltage are measured with
the four terminals method with a multimeter to minimize
errors due to contact resistance.
In order to obtain individual cell dark I(V) curves, it is
necessary to capture EL images at various different bias
levels. Also, at least one image must be acquired at a current
below 10% of I
as mentioned previously. In order to obtain
sufficient resolution of the dark I(V) curves, 20 images were
taken at different bias levels, ranging from 0.15 A to 3 A.
Fig. 5. Module electroluminescence image at 3 A.
A. Calculating Cell Global Series Resistance Values
Images will be obtained at different bias levels for this
method. The first step to calculate individual cell voltage-
current points is to obtain the calibration factor C for all cells
using Eq. (5), and one image taken at a current below 10% of
and neglecting R
The additional images will each determine a new point of
the I(V) curve of each cell, until enough data points are
collected to cover a significant portion of the curve. The
calibration factor C is employed to calculate R
values from
Eq. (5) for all other bias levels, and thus R
values according
to Eq. (4). The final step is to determine the operating
voltages for each solar cell in the module using Eq. (6) for
every image.
Lastly, global series resistance values are extracted from
the resulting dark I(V) curves of each cell. This is achieved
by plotting dV/dI vs. I
, which gives R
according to
B. Calculating Cell Local Series Resistance Values
Only two images of the complete module are required to
map the spatial variations of series resistance in individual
cells. A first image selected from a lower bias level is used to
calculate the calibration image C(r), according to Eq. (1).
The second image, taken at a higher bias level, is
calibrated to voltage, once again according to Eq. (1), and
employing the calibration image.
The value of C
is first approximated as the highest value
found in C(r). The dark saturation current density can then be
approximated using Eq. (8). With this data, a first iteration of
the cell local series resistance is calculated.
To improve the precision of the voltage values from the
image taken at a lower bias, new values are calculated
according to Eq. (10). The procedure is then repeated for the
Revista elektron, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-24 (2024)
ISSN 2525-0159
new values, recalculating the local series resistance values,
iterating until results of Eq. (7) converge.
The calibration factor can be optimized by varying C
and continuing iterations to optimize contrasts in the R
and j
(r) images. The final step is to scale these images
according to a known global value of cell series resistance.
The method, which is represented in Fig. 4, is
implemented with MATLAB to compute the final local series
resistance values. All images are taken as arrays, or matrices,
of square pixels arranged in columns and rows, where each
pixel is presented by one matrix element (an integer value).
The resulting matrices are then depicted as final images, as
will be shown in the following Section.
For the module shown in Fig. 5, cell number 16 is taken as
cell sample for individual study. Qualitative observations
such as defects and contrasts due to local variations of device
parameters can be clearly observed. Some contrasts may be
quickly identified as finger defects, as the one seen in the
upper right corner of the cell. Investigating such contrasts
requires further analysis, which is beyond the scope of this
The dark I(V) curve from Fig. 6 yields the module series
resistance R
= 129 ± 50 mΩ, directly obtained from the
high voltage part of the curve by fitting the resulting
conductance [see, e.g. 7]. This parameter is compared to the
results calculated from EL measurements.
The I(V) curve calculated for cell number 16 is shown in
Fig. 7, with the cell series resistance value R
= 7.68 mΩ.
Fig. 6. Module measured dark current-voltage characteristics.
Fig. 7. Dark current-voltage characteristics extracted from EL images for
cell 16.
Likewise, the series resistance values for all cells are
calculated and shown in the table in Fig. 8.
As demonstrated in the previous section, this is achieved
by applying a straightforward direct method to extract
individual cell operating voltages, although it requires n
images to plot n points of a cell's dark I(V) curve.
Fig. 8. Calculated global series resistance values for all individual cells.
Errors associated with the resulting images cannot be
directly extracted. To assess the calculated series resistance
values, we consider the sum of R
from all cells compared
to R
obtained from the dark I(V) characteristics. The
sum of all values shown in Fig. 8 for all cells equates to
128.37 ± 33.24 mΩ, which falls within the range specified by
the error boundaries of 129 ± 50 mΩ.
These results, together with the obtained images, are now
used for parameter mapping. Fig. 9 shows the generated R
and j
(r) maps for cell number 16, computed as described in
Section II - B. They provide quantitative data on local
variations of these parameters. Displayed side-by-side, the
maps distinguish contrasts due to variations in the dark
saturation current density as well as series resistance.
Identifying these contrasts helps detect the impact of
manufacturing defects like faulty contact manufacture,
screen printing issues, or finger defects on the cell series
resistance distribution. Quantifying these contrasts also
enables comparison between different cell regions, giving
insights into manufacturing process and material
Similarly, variations in dark saturation current density
seen in Fig. 9 provide information on non-radiative
recombination effects, which will show as brighter contrasts
in the j
Fig. 9. El image (left), and the obtained maps of dark saturation current
density (center) and local series resistance R
(r) (right) for cell 16.
This is particularly notable in the map in Fig. 9 because of
the intrinsic defects in polycrystalline silicon, such as
dislocations and grain boundaries, where losses due to non-
Revista elektron, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-24 (2024)
ISSN 2525-0159
radiative recombination are higher than in monocrystalline
silicon solar cells.
By studying these maps, manufacturers could also
implement targeted optimization strategies to improve
overall cell performance and efficiency.
In addition to the advantages of EL characterization
mentioned above, it is also important to recognize the
flexibility in optical system configurations, and adaptable
testing setups for both lab and field environments. Different
methods may be considered for a module or cell, as long as a
compromise can be reached between the time and resources
available, and the depth and quality of the study required. R
[mΩ] of all 18 cells in the module:
Electroluminescence (EL) imaging was applied to study
solar cells and modules quantitively, obtaining local
information of series resistance and saturation current density.
The total module series resistance obtained from EL imaging
is compared to the series resistance obtained by traditional
current-voltage characterization, obtaining excellent
agreement. This exemplifies the validity of the EL analysis
in silicon solar cells not only as a qualitative, but also as a
quantitative characterization method, enabling for fast and
reliable quantitative characterization.
Moreover, we show that the combination of module EL
images and current-voltage characteristics delivers not only
global module parameters but also individual cell properties,
in this case current-voltage curves for each cell, and series
resistance values.
The information gathered also provides the necessary data
for local characterization of individual cells in terms of
saturation current density and series resistance. This allows
for a detailed module diagnosis during manufacturing as well
as after in-field use, or at the end of module lifetime, allowing
to assess the recyclability of individual cells of a module.
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Revista elektron, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 19-24 (2024)
ISSN 2525-0159

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